
"I had been away from Iceland for over a year and when I returned for New Year I stayed on top of a mountain. I went for a walk on my own and I saw the ice was thawing in the lava fields. All I could hear was the cackle of the ice, echoing over hundreds of square miles. It was pitch black, The Northern Light were swirling around and just below them was a layer of thick cloud. I could see the lights from all the towns of my childhood mirrored in the reflections of these clouds, with the lava fields cackling below. It was really techno...."

/ Björk Gudmundsdóttir

Och så till diskussionsfrågan:
är the rumble mest techno eller brogatan mest paris?

Postat av: Laban

Är Dolce Sciciliana mest Cefalú eller Wrestlinggala på Tangopalatset mest Amerikansk söder?

Postat av: calle

hehe. och jag har en annan bra:
turning tossig revyn eller asiat i spat?

2007-02-05 @ 10:38:17
Postat av: christine

turning tossig har jag ju sagt

2007-02-05 @ 18:10:57

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